Scenes from The Woman Who Wasn't There

From watching the film, The Woman Who Wasn’t There, directed by Angelo Guglielmo, I chose the clips I did based off importance. The first episode I chose is when Tania Head is first telling her story for the sake of the documentary. She is explaining the details of everything that happened to her that day and her husband, Dave. The next episode I chose to analyze is when the other members in her support group and some of her closest friends start piecing together the lies that she has told them and begin to discover the truth of the matter. I chose these scenes because in the course of the narrative, these are the two most crucial points in the documentary and they are linked together by the story line within them. The first scene is putting the story together and the second is taking apart each lie from that very same story. The underlining theme present within these arguments remains as to what can be determined as the truth and to whom. The mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound choices of these particular clips put together the narrative ironically in relation to each other. 

Scenes from The Woman Who Wasn't There